Friday, August 3, 2012

Syukur Dengan Nikmat-Nya


Hlovate says, sometimes when things got hard,play ABC. List down the things that make you smile that start with your favorite/random alphabet. I chose 'S' : Syukur!

So yeah as we all know, the final examination result for this semester has come out. How's mine? interested to know? no worries i wouldn't tell you guys. bhahha. it's hard to say. yeah Alhamdulillah i did pass all of the subjects. But somehow it's pretty sad because things didn't turn out the way i expected them to be but in other side i'm quite happy because my Grade point average for this current semester has increased about 0.05. Literally, I am pretty sure people might think it is small in number, but as for me, it gives a big impact for my personal achievement. Thanks to Allah. I accept it, insyallah

I kinda feel envy and pressured melihat rakan-rakan lain yang share their happiness by having such good and excellent results especially yg Dean's list. Hanya boleh tengok dari tepi dan korek gigi je.(evil grin). but for us (most of us), by passing in all subjects, that feels kind of good and satisfactory. Such a dime a dozen huh.As those subjects are pre-requisite and once you failed, you can't take the other one for the next semester. Hence, we're much aware of these situations and we have to take the ugly truth whatever it is. Being a Dean's list student is a bonus. The exaggerated encapsulation. (LOL!) 

No la, someone told me ' do not expect things to roll over, if you dont deliver'. thus the're only two ways of looking at things if you want to do something about your life, either you find and maintain the fire to light the fuse or just keep on making excuses (self reflect :P).  i made mistakes and i know i still have a time to change it radically before it's  too late. Hopefully Ayah and Ibu will proud of me as they did before. I know they always keep silence on it. Shame on me.Sorry Ibu, Ayah for keep worrying you guys with my so called 'zon selesa' result. I won't easily give up, I'll keep fighting. Insyallah. 

For all uitm students ( any course), congratulations on your excellent results. and for my fellow friends and sisters, never give up and be strong okay! being failure is not a crime. We had a great moment together and we'll do better for the next semester. Believe me ( you-know-who-you-are),you're only a failure if you allow yourself to think so,no? Meanwhile, Nabi Musa and Asiah failed to convince Firaun utk beriman, Nabi Nuh failed to get his son to be with him masa nak naik bahtera time banjir besar tu and Rasulullah failed to convince Abu Talib mengucap syahadah, and they too have failures. And they never really did stop trying for the better! Just ingat ini adalah ujian dan dugaan dari Tuhan supaya kita lebih berusaha dan tidak alpa dengan-Nya. Apa-apa pun thanks for my lovelies (parents, family, lecturers and friends) di atas doa yang telah di panjatkan. Syukur. And please jangan berhenti mendoakan saya. Next semester dengan subject yg lebih dry and tough : Equity and Trust, Admin law, Criminal Law, Land Law(-.-), Bel speech comm, Korean and Elective subject (plan to take Law and Morality) oh yeah plus the new 'jurus' for Karate. All the best, Nughul!

So i'm eager to know berapa ramai yang still/dapat DL for this semester. if last sem only 9/300+, what about the 2nd semester? 

The past is not always meant to be forgotten, it is meant to be lessons well learned.


  1. You're improving, that's good to know :) even it it's little. Little things kadang kadang yang make up the whole thing. Well done Cinderella's stepsister. Congratulations! :D

  2. Hahahha yup. tapi lagi sikit jeee nak sampai target! sometimes yang lil things tu lah yang mengharukan!almost! You too sweetie :)
